Thursday, September 01, 2005

Pool rage

I thought I’d take me off for some underwater thinking tonight. Haven’t been for a swim for a couple of months and decided I wanted, nay, needed the exercise. To begin with there were 4 people swimming up and down and I squeezed in trying not to disturb anyone’s line but I was jolly close to the pool edge and wary of kicking the wall. Then two people got out but the guy ploughing up and down his lane next to me just didn’t seem to want to budge over, when half the pool was empty! Then two more arrived filling the empty side and by then I’d swum 19 lanes and firmly established MY lane when another guy got in and squeezed into the very tiny gap between me and dick’ead and the rage began to build this guy just went for it and the wall and I became good acquaintances. The two recently arrived got out, they’d just been dipping but still matey was up close and personal in my space. I thought, having swum 19 lengths, I certainly wasn’t going to give way … nor was he … not my fault I was doing breaststroke and he got a kick and a scratch a couple of times. I was trying to make myself as small as possible but even my little leggies when extended full froggy fashion have to go SOMEWHERE! I finally gave up at 28 lengths, blood boiling and went into the steam room to cool down. In a manner of speaking!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come and swim with me in the Palmer pool. There is a mural of a whale on the wall and there have never been more than three people in the water at any one time during lap swim. It's like having a private pool! It's wonderful. We'll go when you visit. xxxxxxx

Thu Sept 01, 06:59:00 am 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

I'm coming, sweetie xxx Love you

Thu Sept 01, 10:14:00 am 2005  

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