Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I'm beginning to think that one success a day, however small, is good!

Mine, today, was finding which organisation manages the car park opposite - the District Council couldn't help me - and asking the land owners to send me a form to 'bags' a space if one comes up. No guarantee, of course, that I'll get one but at least my name is down and I reckon I have a fairly good reason for wanting one ... double yellows both sides of my road, outside the property.

A guy further up has a drive in which he has two cars and a further one in the park in the unallocated spaces.

I gathered, a month or so back, when I challenged a guy who was taking photographs of the area ... didn't challenge him until I saw him include my car in the picture ... that the whole of the parking area is to be posted, or bollarded. That was the day I was still in my jammies, yelling at him, across the road .... "Excuse me ... what are you doing????"

I figure the financial advisor must be on holiday cos he's not available on his home no., either.

Ok, I've got plan B in action and looking thro the endowment stuff I don't seem to have had a statement for last year. I emailed the insurance company for a copy, last night and at least got the email addy right cos I've had a reply saying it's been forwarded to the policy department.

Baby steps!

All my holidays from work have been OK'd so I have odd days and a week or two to look forward to. Now just have to think how best to relax on them.

The egg/bacon/onion turnover tasted good! Reminded me of my childhood.

I've washed up, ironed and thinking now about whether I have the courage to look at the accounts.

No, I'm still thinking ...

Bought a couple of dvd's. Audrey Tatou of Amelie and A Very Long Engagement fame was recommended to me in He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not. Got that from Amazon for almost £7.
I had also read a jolly good review of Le Diner Au Cons so trotted down to the library to see if they had it. Apparently they considered buying it in in 1998 but did nothing about it.

How come, in Tesco I found it, yesterday in the international section and a sticker on it that read 'NEW' . Anyway, I decided to buy it. The price was a bit 'ouch' and I could have got it cheaper online but when all's said and done, I've sometimes kept the library dvds so long that I could have bought them, so at least this one is mine and though I'm not one to read a book twice (dunno why, just dont care to ... maybe cos when they're mainly thrillers I usually guess 'whodunnit' fairly early on and there's no point in reading it twice when you really DO know who dunnit!) but with a French language film it's always fun to to try translate and not be five minutes behind the action. Not saying I'm NOT five mins behind but the odd word correctly translated gives one a happy feeling.

My 'loss' was my neighbour's gain yesterday! I bought a fashion woolly, in a sale, reduced from £25 to £2.50, just something I could keep at work if it gets a bit chilly. Unfortunately the hanger size was NOT the woolly size, which was 3 x smaller! Fortunately, since it was sorta trendy, Anna was delighted to have a new woolly!

Oh, I may have found a new NHS dentist. Not an easy thing to do nowadays. Mine's gone private with a £15 monthly charge (not v. good for a family budget, huh?) Even for me, alone, it's not actually amusing especially when a new crown - the mostly likely treatment I would need - would cost an additional £200-£500. So my two-crowned bridge, if even one of the tooshies goes, could cost from £600 to £1500 to replace.

No, that isn't funny!

Mind you, I'd look pretty funny when I smiled!

I do, still, smile occasionally :)


Blogger Echomouse said...

You sound much more chipper than your last post :) Good stuff!

About your endowment situation - you're doing it right. Just keep asking questions, and don't let up. Call several times a day if you have to until you get some answers. Eventually, someone will be able to point you in a direction that will help. At least, that's how it's supposed to work I think ;)

Tue Jan 24, 10:30:00 pm 2006  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

There's a financial ombudsman, whatever ;) who can help out, somehow. I just need answers from 'ex' about what happened when we undertook this course of mortgage. Someone said 'lie', you don't have to prove anything, but I can't lie. I'm not a liar. Ok, the occasional white lie to save someone from hurt but essentially I'm an honest person and the first to hold my hand up when things go wrong.
OK, I've had a strange way of being loyal at times but you need to be me to understand that!
Yep, more chipper. 'ecky thump, we only get one shot at being here and though things pull us down occasionally, we still have to make the best of what we have.
I've taken some wrong directions but even when i did that I tried to be kind and generous.
I'm not rich and I'm not poor and I'm a lot better off than some and sometimes you just have to get things in perspective.
I get twinges from arthritis, I've got a snotty nosed cold, but I'm alive and kicking. We all get down from time to time but I do realise I have an awful lot to be thankful for - even on the bad days :)
Thank you EM ...

Wed Jan 25, 12:19:00 am 2006  
Blogger Echomouse said...

I hear you about the lie thing. I'm the same. Besides, in my life, I have never been able to get away with a darn thing! LOL Perpetual karma or something so I don't lie about anything. Not worth it.

Glad you have a financial ombudsman. That's really a great thing and should help a good deal. :)

Thu Jan 26, 08:29:00 am 2006  

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