Just a few of those pot plants which Cyril Lee, President of the local Fuchsia society keeps blooming. I had a poke around my pots today and found 4 snails lurking. They're now in a knotted plastic bag in the dustbin but I did add a couple of marigold heads to keep 'em going til they get to the rubbish dump where they can munch away til their hearts content. UGH, it was horrid trying to pick 'em up. I was trying to do it using the plastic bag but kept squealing at the feel of the squidgey bit so gave up and used a trowel. UGHGHGHGH
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Just a few of those pot plants which Cyril Lee, President of the local Fuchsia society keeps blooming. I had a poke around my pots today and found 4 snails lurking. They're now in a knotted plastic bag in the dustbin but I did add a couple of marigold heads to keep 'em going til they get to the rubbish dump where they can munch away til their hearts content. UGH, it was horrid trying to pick 'em up. I was trying to do it using the plastic bag but kept squealing at the feel of the squidgey bit so gave up and used a trowel. UGHGHGHGH
How nice to stumble across a photo of my grandads old garden! Thank you for this
Wow, ten years later, Wendy. My pleasure and it's good to know these scribbings of mine still get read occasionally. It was a beautiful garden and inspired me. x
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