Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Nowt to hide

I've sent off some of the info to the IR which they requested. For the rest it would mean my picking out a chitty here and a chitty there so I've offered them the whole kit and caboodle to go thro' themselves!
If nothing else I think it spells out that I have nothing to hide in my accounts - I'm too daft to even TRY to fool the IR!
Put my specs thro' the door of Optician 2 today.
Got a crick in my neck today from trying to find a comfortable way of looking at the VDU thro my old specs. I could do with a massage.
Mind, I'd quite like a massage anyway, they're very relaxing.
Even reflexology would be good. Couple of times I've had that that treatment it made me cry! Who'd have thought that having your feeties massaged could be such an emotional experience?
Got a gals' 'do' on Friday for a friend's birthday but going to see my maaaaaaaan tomorrow evening.
At the weekend the local Rotary Club has organised a performance by the Carribean Steel Band in St James' Church. I'm looking forward to that. I haven't bought tickets forward but since the church seats around 600+ people I suspect we should be able to get in!
Decided the best thing about being at work all day is that I don't get to see the rain unless I'm having a sneak ciggie in the bike sheds!
Sorry Tor, don't read that last sentence!!!!!
I've just finished my Margaret Yorke book which had three stories in it and now feel bereft! Found a Puzzler book but if I do that just before I go to sleep my mind keeps buzzing instead of shutting down.
Not much on TV, maybe I'll watch a video. I've bought one or two recently off the market. They're ones I probably wouldn't mind seeing again but it would be good if there was a 'swap shelf' somewhere!
Ahhhh, just remembered I bought some very tasty chocolate biscuits in Lidl yesterday .... cuppa and a biccky, methinks.
I said biccky, NOT bitty!!!!!!!!!
Big grin!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know better than to smoke. What am I going to do with you?

Tue Mar 14, 05:45:00 am 2006  

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