Saturday, February 18, 2006


I had this revelation this evening and I wasn't even on a dusty road, riding a donkey!

It wasn't much of one, I mean, the earth didn't stop turning and apples didn't start ascending in the air .... damn, have I forgotten what it was already?

Let me follow my train of thought again.

OK, in bath, which had gone cool cos after I'd finished doing a day's housework I thought I'd earned half an hour on the sofa with my novel (Margaret Yorke, I do so like her thrillers) .... ah yes, it's coming back to me.

Margaret Yorke, thriller, mystery, whodunnit, dead bodies and how you can tell one's been moved after death and bloody and gravity .... us in Lincolnshire, we seem to think about gravity quite a bit. Look at Isaac Newton, for instance!

No forget him, he's just a diversion ... here's another one ... when's the Da Vinci code going to be on the cinema??? Will Ian be on the cutting room floor or revealed in all his priestly glory?? (only acting!)

Get back to the revelation, Jules.

OK, so, dead body, blood, gravity. And I had the revelation about the heart being a pump. I'd topped the bath up 3 times to get it hot enough, letting some water out each time and the third time it was hot enough that when I settled back down in it and splished and splashed, my little ol heart gave a little flutter. Either of pleasure or protest, I suppose!

So I was thinking about the water heater firing up (cos it's in the bathroom and quite noisy) and the pump pushing the water thro those flames to heat it and dead bodies and bloody and gravity and the heart pumping the blood around and it occurred to me (revelation) that my body is a machine and it doesn't even have any electricity powering it!

Well, that's it, really. I enjoyed it.

Then there I was in my towel and heard someone at the front door and expected it to be Ian, but didn't really think it might be anyone else and so I trotted thro in the towel and it's just as well it was Ian cos the towel fell off .. and he had a revelation, too!!!!

Off out for dinner .... report tomorrow or sometime!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your head is full of electicity. No, really, your brain works through electric currents. OK, so you knew that, but, did you recall from school that every electric current generates a magnetic field? We humans walk around generating electricity and our own little magnetic fields! Well, yours is a big magnetic field because of all those thoughts whizzing around in your head. Love you.

Fri Feb 24, 06:22:00 am 2006  

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