Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Un - Thwarted

Yayyyyyyyyy, I've managed to get the saddle lower on Cecily.
I was going for a swim but I have a mail drop to do and am going to jump on my bike and deliver the mail on it. Oh drat ... I wonder if there's a route I can avoid coming back up this danged hill I live on??
Other good news, a potential trip back to Spain for a week. Yayyyyyyyyyy
Had a lovely email from Tora today: "Thanks for putting me on the planet, I like it very much." Well, it was one of those jobs, which once started you can't stop .... but I'm awfa glad I did [with a little help ;) ]
OK, just got the calendar press release to write then I'm done until this evening's fashion show for Childline at The Lawn, in Lincoln.
Hey, what a great day. Isn't is wonderful when you get things done?


See, every day can be exciting.

I've just been invisible!

Yup. For some reason drivers don't see you when you're on a bicycle. There I was, coming down the hill at 40mph (oooohhhh, at the very least) and a big white van just pulled out a few feet in front of me to turn right. Then when other traffic had to stop I was overtaking and a car coming toward me, which had decided to wait, changed its mind and we dang near had a collision.

Do drivers realise that cyclists are not protected by 'tin' walls? That we are flesh (hey, I sound like a newly stopped smoker!!!), that when we get knocked off that it damn well hurts??

Despite the wonderfully windswept look my hair has assumed, I think a helmet might be a good idea.

I'm having to learn not to wobble when making hand signals. The handle bars don't seem as steady as the old 'tourer' bikes.

The cycle lane in the middle of town was full of parked cars and traffic overtaking doesn't seem to realised that a cyclist has to pull out or lose her front teeth. I've also discovered that the guys who mend the highway are not cyclists cos there's a million bumps in the road. Which ties in with the fact that my 'bits' have been numbed and I think I might look more seriously for the 'ladies' seat'.

It's also interesting looking for things to lock your bike to. I couldn't remember where the key was for my old lock so took the bike into the shop today to buy a new one.

Oh, and of course, the chain came off. ERK. Fortunately it chose to do this at Cordeaux School and as I bewailed my fate a nice lad and the school handyman came out to tip the bike up and put the chain back on for me. OK, I've seen how it's done now so I can do it myself next time - for I suppose there WILL be a next time. (mental note, put baby wipes in back pack).

The best bit was that coming up Church Street I didn't have to get off. Yes, yes, I very probably was in the lowest gear known to man and could have walked faster but I did stay on the bike!

Well, that was a fun/interesting hour. Y'know, I don't think I was actually pedaling that much. Once you pick up speed there's little effort involved and by the time I got going up the hill there was a downhill.

Oh, it rained and got awfully windy, too. Maybe I'll try something a little further afield next time, or cycle up to swimming.

Satisfied little smile.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you got a helmet yet Mum?

Sun Oct 02, 02:36:00 am 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

Erm , erm , erm ..... I've got a small head!!!! I'll have to have one with mickey mouses or cinderella or barbie!! OK, I'll ask when I take my bike in tomorrow!

Sun Oct 02, 02:50:00 am 2005  

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