Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Where now?

This lovely lady is called Grayson Perry . He is a Turner prizewinning artist. Sculpture is his main media but he also uses embroidery and photography to express himself .. and some ironwork. He has an exhibition at The Collection, in Lincoln, next February.
He was wearing a simply lovely dress with a beautiful white petticoat. It just coincidentally matched the MG, well, blended at the very least.
He was really cool. I asked if he was still a size 14 ... pushing it a bit but he is.
I was really nervous about this shoot.
The Usher Gallery in Lincoln ... now called The Collection, had organised the cars. The car owners had been told their cars were to feature on the front page of the magazine. Nobody actually mentioned why or who with. I gently explained there was more than just the cars ... that a Turner prize Winner was to be featured, too. And he would be wearing a dress and oh, by the way,he's here. cough.
Grayson's female, umm, ego? is Claire. She's very nice. I rather liked his response to what his wife thinks about his obsession (in a TV interview) .... "Obsession? Well, as far as it goes, it's better than football."
I was really bouyant having done this job today. I'd been nervous, did a little homework before I left, refreshing myself on Grayson, hoping to help him feel comfortable with me ... he's cool anyway, I needn't have worried .... then I got back to Louth to find this week's edition of the paper was totally shitty!
9 pictures of mine this week. That's no more than £76 for a week. OK, the commissioned other pix will be invoiced anyway but what a bummer it is to NOT see the work you've knocked yourself out to produce?
Good job I have the magazines, too and the occasional private job!
I may see fit to delete all this tomorrow when I'm not gurgling still with wine (girlfriend came around tonight) but at the moment I'm pretty pissed off and wondering whether I should do yet another change of career, or go back to the old one ..... nooooooooooooooooooo.

The charity calendar will be delivered on Friday and it's sorta odd that at this point when, if the media picks up on female photographer doing naked guy calendar, that I may just get some exposure (scuse me) that I'm thinking maybe I should go back to being a secretary when my heart and defective technical skills lie in taking pictures.
Oh piffle.
If you know anyone who wants 'a me' - do tell ... them or me! Ta.


Blogger Wendy said...

what did you do before photgraphy?

Thu Sept 29, 02:12:00 am 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were you a photographer on that vasectomy live show yesterday?
Have a break.... have a snip snap.

Thu Sept 29, 09:34:00 am 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

GW, nah, I wouldn't have the balls for that type of work!

Wendy, I trained as a PA in the Min Def secretarial school. We were la creme for heads of departments, I used to be quite organised in those days! Worked part time when I had the kiddies, did some temping, even filled shelves in a supermarket for a year - that was very interesting insight into human nature. Once again we were sometimes invisible to the general public: "Oh, did I kick you?" I'm not THAT small! Just before this job I had a five year break, least said soonest mended and then did office administrator 3.5 days and the rest of my days were newspaper photography.

Thu Sept 29, 11:09:00 am 2005  

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