Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Secret Santa?

My friend/neighbour, Anna, sent me a text saying there's a bag on my bag door. Which promptly fell off when I turned the handle to open it, hope there's nothing breakable inside! She hasn't answered whether the gifts inside are from her or a secret Santa!!!! There's no writing at all on the gifts inside... maybe whoever left them there even got the wrong address???
Care has obviously gone into wrapping them though.
As if by magic ... an hour after the question asked, a text reply, yes, they ARE from her. That's just doubled the number of gifts I have to open. Wheeeeeee
I enjoy giving pressies soooooo much! Like to see if I can surprise, I suppose. I haven't heard from my son about his Christmas goat yet!!!
Just been calling a couple of health clubs in the area.
New year, new job, potential new home, new age in February! I've put a pound or 6 on through indulgence and Ian's great cooking and my membership to the Kenwick club expired a couple of weeks ago. In truth I hadn't used the pool, my exercise of preference, for a month or more and I did enjoy swimming.
There are two possibilities in clubs, one which is just around the corner from my new place of employ so that would be handy to nip into either early or after work and they're sending me a pack on their facilities - there's no online website.
The second club has golf too, though. A nine-hole course that would suit me well - until I built up stamina for 18 again and 2 hours is good exercise.
I don't really want to use the gym - I get obsessive about gym use ... once had a gym on the complex where I lived in the US and I started going for 20 mins and ended up being in there for two - three hours! It din't make much difference though!!! :)
A bit of cycling a bit of gentle walking on the machinery, 20 mins in a gym is plenty of time for me ... a sort of penance then I go enjoy swimming 40 lengths!
There are two jacuzzis at the second club, also and two pools so swimmers don't have to wait for aquacise to finish and a sauna and - well, two, one female only and one mixed and one steam room.
By now you'll have gathered where my preference lies but it may depend on cost ... so much does, huh?
Oh yes, I thought I'd got poltergeist again!
The first year I moved in here there were a couple of slightly inexplicable things.
On Monday when Ian was leaving early I reset the heating to come on at six but getting up and finding cold radiators the timer was set at 9. OK, maybe I just did 6 upside down, easily done??
Knowing I had to be up early y'day for the dentist but not THAT early, I reset it for 8am and left it at 1pm to go off ... I was out for an hour or two but started feeling the chill around 1.30 so looked at the clock and the red and blue 'stoppers' were pushed right up to one another for between 12 and 1, approx and so it had only been on for an hour.
Weird stuff!
I wonder if I've added sleepwalking and clock changing ..........ARGH come to that, my bedside clock, which obviously I never change cos it keeps good time and rarely use the alarm on (thus maybe turning the wrong dial on the back?) was almost 2 hours behind time the other morning, too. I altered it to the correct time and it's kept time sooooo ????? ..... to my nocturnal habits of snoring, sleep talking and tooth grinding? I can only hope I don't fart, as well ... at least, asleep, I'm spared the embarrassment of knowing about it!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh! presents!

Thu Dec 22, 08:27:00 am 2005  
Blogger Wendy said...

very odd happenings...hmmmm. I think it is a ghost. I'm a big ghost believer.

I lvoe presents! And all the much better when you get surprises!

Thu Dec 22, 09:05:00 pm 2005  

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