Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Beasties

Show Champions, Class 10, Pen of three matching lambs sired by continental ram (exceeding 131 kg live weight), Beltex X owned by Mrs P Wright of Boston.Left to right: Chris Wright, Pam Wright and Emma Wright.

One guy kindly (?) opened the gate so I could better take this picture and the lambs wanted to run for it - or me - so I grabbed a piccie while they were still penned!

This beast is one of a pair, 3rd in their Class of an unhaltered matching pair (heifers/steers or mixed) and I didn't get underneath to find out what it/they were), and they are Belgian Blue X Charolaid X Lincoln Red! Beautiful colour! The top of the beast has been shorn to 'show the meat' I was advised by a passer by.

Harold Fox from Spilsby admiring the Class 5 Unhaltered Steer Show Champion, 'Reddy' a Belgian Blue X with a Limousin cow, from P & B Hodgson & Sons Ltd from Mareham Le Fen. Yes, I can see it's red! I so doubted myself that I'd got the wrong beast since it was a Belgian Blue X that I phoned the farmer myself to check! Speaking to Mr Fox on how lovely the beast looked he said "Yes, it'll be dead by tonight!" Awww

I was busy dipping my welly-booted feeties in and out of troughs as I passed through the market building to the sheep pens and when finally coming out I stuck 'em in the wrong bucket and got the wellies covered in neat Jeyes Fluid and slithered all over the place til I could find a puddle to splosh in!

My car boot smells very disinfected now!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a load of bullocks!

Thu Dec 08, 02:44:00 pm 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

Yeah :)

Thu Dec 08, 04:01:00 pm 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure about the one with one blue and and a snotty nose. It looks scary.

Thu Dec 08, 09:55:00 pm 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

I know it's bloody Charolais! When you've been a touch typist for as long as I have, your fingers go on automatic and certain endings to words just happen without thinking. I mean 'aid' is a more normal ending to an English word than 'ais', innit? And that's what my fingers did!
I can even tell you that the Charolais line remained pretty much unadultered, blood-line wise, for, oh, ages and ages, and they've made a huge impact on the UK and US - though the Limousin made more of one on the US and the first herd of them was imported to Mexico by a guy who'd seen them in France when he was there for WWI. Cept he'd just got his first coupla bulls and a few cows therewhenhe upped and died and no more was imported. Thennnnnnnnnn, the dreaded hoof and mouth happened and so no more beasties were allowed to be imported from Europe and so THIS strain was esso esso pure and it was only Canada that relented in around 1965 when they started to get some more French blood in. And there's all this gumph about 'pure bred' and registered. Or was that a breed of dog??

Fri Dec 09, 11:16:00 am 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

Asherly, GW, that one blue-eyed cow was the skittyist of all and more scart of me than I was of it. BUT there was another one that frit me half to death and i was sure it was going to charge at the bars of the pen for me flashing at it!
I was in the show ring when they had the haltered champ and reserve in there and the Reserve was a whopping great steer and the guys holding the halters probably weight one fifth (at least) of the beast and I don't reckon that little iddy biddy rope, in a little guy's hand is much defence between me and that beast!
Sure had some rump on it. Probably hanging in a cold room somewhere now!

Fri Dec 09, 11:19:00 am 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guy on the right in the first picture wouldn't happen to be Irish now, would he? It looks a wee bit like he's havin' a go at the sheep...

Mon Dec 12, 03:58:00 pm 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

Weeeelllll, the guy is a gal and I think you mean Welsh! y'know the jokes, an' all that, about sheep, er, things. Unless you know something about the Irish and sheep that I don't? Which is entirely possible. Cos I don't purport to know a great deal and you have to be most frit of the people who don't know what they don't know. Y'know?

Mon Dec 12, 04:23:00 pm 2005  

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