Saturday, September 17, 2005


I'm not a doggie person.

We had dogs at home, when I was little. OK, stop laughing. When I was young.

They were fine, but other people's dogs, hmmm.

My first doggy encounter (don't even crack a smile) was when I was four and a puppy chased me in the street, turning around to see if it had gone I ran into a lamp post and while swaying on the spot, seeing stars, the puppy peed up my leg.

When I was about 10, mum asked me to take her pools coupon around to Mrs Whoever and to use the back door. Which was through a gate into their back yard. So I went into the darkened yard and out of the blackness a German Shepherd flew at me and pinned me to a wall with its paws on my shoulder and its face in my face and I wasn't a happy bunny.

The following year my parents went to visit some friends who owned pub and next door a garage/sweetie shop, with their flat over the premises. They thought it would be a great idea to leave me with the dog to look after me while they went to the pub, saying I could have as many sweets from downstairs as I wanted.

So downstairs I trotted, when they'd been gone about 5 mins, in the darkness- I didn't put a light on just in case they came back and saw me and hadn't really meant it, -I helped myself to a goodie bag full of sweeties. However, when I attempted to open the door of the shop to go back upstairs the spotty dog, ahhh, Dalmatian, decided I was a prowler and growled and barked and left me quivering, snotty nosed, crying and imprisoned in that room for the next two hours.

Of course the bright sparks that had left me, had also expected me to let them in again. On their eventual return, finally understanding what had happened, they had to entice the dog to the door while someone hooked a finger under it's collar, through the letter box, so I could open the door.

Then, the first time my husband had to have a night away from home on business, which unnerved me, a friend loaned me her dog ... to keep me company. I sat there with the Westie beside me and every bloody little noise it heard it barked at. I petted it to keep it quiet and then when I stopped petting it it barked and growled at me! At 1am I was on friend's doorstep with dog and basket pleading with them to take it back.

Visiting the Oxford Naturist Club one day, which is in a wood, via a farmers field with a sign 'beware of dog', Hubby, driving, asked me to get out and open the gate to the field. As I stood waiting for him to drive through one of those big black dogs with pointy ears and tan bit on it (Dobermann), raced at me out of the blue, cannoning down on me. I did notice at the last minute that it was muzzled but that made the experience no less frightening. The farmer's wife was yelling something unintelligble at the dog (or me?) but since it was in Dutch, it transpired, I had no idea what she was saying. I turned away as the dog hit me and spun me around, scratching my thigh (through trousers!). She said I should have shouted at it. I don't speak Dutch though. I might have said Kill unwittingly!

Then (are you still awake .. Bill????) walking through a twitchell one day (a narrow passage), coming down some steps, toward me, was a man with a Great Dane running ahead of him. It ran toward me and the guy shouted at it "Kill, Kill" which was worrying, to say the least, then "Kiltie, come here."

Stupid bloody name for a dog.

I was telling this story to a couple who had a Great Dane (I thought it appropriate), which was a rescue dog, and in the room at the same. When I shouted KILL it jumped up and ran at me.

I've decided not to tell that story again when there are any dogs around.

At the home of one person I worked for, he had a bull dog and a westie and there was also a Rottweiler. I always steered clear of the bulldog anyway but going into the back yard one morning, carrying a bag, the rottweiler came bounding toward me and decided to be playful (apparently that's what it was) and gripped the bag I was carrying between it's teeth. Naturally, since it was my bag, I tugged back. Big mistake.

I didn't realise there are so many breeds of dog .. I've just been having a shuftie at this site, PetPlanet. It's very interesting.

Have you ever seen a Labradoodle???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! Poor Pyk!
Actually your naturist activity inspired one of my goes at Misty's place which seems to fit well with this post.
I had a dog once, I thinkit had ADHD 'cos when we went to see the vintage car rally (i was 7) it ran home with me bouncing along on the end of the lead, dislocated my arm, grazed 20% of my body and gave me concussion. It went back to the pound that day.

Sat Sept 17, 08:59:00 am 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

I don't mind dogs that have smiley faces!
Friends had a Briard, which is a BIG dog but it was soooo smiley that you just couldn't help but feel it was friendly.
Ah, subject for another post, methinks.
What type of dog would YOU be....

Sat Sept 17, 10:26:00 am 2005  
Blogger ScaryCheri said...!!!

I actually laughed out loud...poor pyk. Not exactly a dog whisperer are you?

I've seen labradoodles, I hate labradoodle owners, especially when they say "I have a PURE breed labradoodle" in a snotty labradoodle owner kind of way.

Pure breed?? Labrador and poodle.....yeah

Sat Sept 17, 04:57:00 pm 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

I knew you'd like that one, 'cheri!!
I could only do your job if they didn't let the dogs out!
I read that the Labradoodle isn't yet registered with the Kennel Club but they keep trying! Maybe in a few generations time?

Sat Sept 17, 05:42:00 pm 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mum

If a dog gets too close to me and is jumping up I hit it off or I kick at it. If it was too close then it gets pushed away or kicked and leaves me alone. The owners don't get mad because they know it's their fault. I haven't been scared of dogs since I realised it was OK to defend myself against any creature attacking me. I get jumped at a lot when I'm jogging or out hiking and three dogs know better now. Love you xxxx

Tue Sept 20, 08:26:00 pm 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

How come I'm the mummy and you know more than I do??????

I don't have to take karate lessons then? :)

xxx Thanks Tor. love, as e'er xx

Tue Sept 20, 08:31:00 pm 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can still take karate lessons just for fun. xx

Wed Sept 21, 05:47:00 pm 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

OH! I hope that was in reference to the dog and not me!
On bikes ... new post!

Thu Sept 22, 04:06:00 pm 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just managing to stay awake - your epistles are getting longer than something by Tolstoy!

Getting away from dogs, which you seem unable to do, where on earth does the word twitchell come from?

Up north we use the word ginnel - still not managed to fond out its origin.

Sun Sept 25, 06:23:00 pm 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

A good bedtime read then - if you've got nothing better to do ;)

Sun Sept 25, 06:27:00 pm 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

It seems the word is a Middle English variant of twycene ....
Thanks Celine!
See, I don't always just make things up.
Actually, I didn't come across the word until I moved darn sarf to Hertfordshire it was a word my (former) husband's family used - his father was from Hartlepool and his mother from London. So it could be a northern or southern word!

Sun Sept 25, 06:47:00 pm 2005  

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