Here's the newly arrived sash and here's yours truly, Julie, wearing it ... I should have remembered to pull my tummy in! Darn.
I'm only taking pix in it, not staying for the do ... like Cinders, I'll before home before midnight. Well, probably before nine o'clock, actually!!!!
look how cute you are!
ack ack ack ack ... I'm back from da ball. I was on time for the 7pm start but it seems people decided they were going to arrive fashionably late. When I espied a couple who looked ball-dressed I stalked 'em! They were quite good about it really. They were looking for friends in a suite so we ALL went up and the lady there was still getting ready so I helped readjust her tied neck on her dress and then got them to open their champagne for the toasting effect - even got offered a glass. I then loitered in the foyer. Under other circumstances - mayhaps had I not been wearing the sash, I might have been arrested for such actions but in the event I just made myself useful. As the nearest bar filled up, I suggested to the later comers that they hop it down to the empty bar, avoid the scrum and then come back to chat in the 'crowd'. There was some nicely placed furniture around the foyer so I was able to 'arrange' groups quite nicely instead of the usual line-up type pics.
I have to confess that coming home I thought how nice it would be to be actually getting my own glad rags on and being on the arm of a handsome gentleman, escorted to the ball.
Oh yeah? And how many single ladies have you asked to a ball recently? The last two dinner functions I went to I was seated next to a guy who fancied himself more than me. He was boorish and despite my being able to conduct an interesting and civilsed conversation he was jolly hard work. A boor, borne out by his comment (on here in June?) at the Lincs show!
The one before that my lift left before the dancing started so cinders went too!
This work is pretty erratic and since this is the first timein my life I've kept myself, I take the jobs unless it's for something really special.
What you said was tantamount to 'get a life' - well, I'm trying!
Tirade over.
I realised it ... it's just not ideal .... yet!!!!
You looked beautiful Mum.
Thank you ... darn lens makes my face fatter though (really!!) AND today I had my hair cut.
But it's fun wearing the sash!!! I feel like a pageant queen!! xxx
Full length version?
Anna took a couple of pix of me wearing the sash. There's a full length one (ie. not truncated) which Pete said "Doesn't show your big arse." Which was quite painfully blunt, actually :P but I told him there are those who admire my bottom!!! (see!!!! P )
I'll post the pic up top.
Not sure there are any other readers! LOL We've probably sent them to sleep.
OYYYY, are you going to make me produce the email???? (actually I don't have it any more - if I'd kept all the jokes, etc from you I'd be compacting my outlook express every two minutes)
I did not tell you I did not fancy you ... those are not the words I would use - you interpreted the carefully construed words which I used - granted meaning the same -in your return email as 'you don't fancy me then'!!!
Well, my bum's too big for you anyway!! ;) x
Ah,,, these are the sort of things that women remember, Pete ... you're on shakey ground! I distinctly recall your words y'day which included the prase 'your big arse'. Hmm, the words may not have been in that order, might have been that the full length 'doesn't make your arse look big ... like those other trousers..."
OY, I'm supposed to be working at the moment!!
Ohhhhhh, awright!!!! x
Enjoyed reading your posts.
James, how very kind of you and reading so far back, too!
Pete and I really are friends, we just had fun in the exchanges above.
Are you keeping abreast of current issues??
Sadly, I can't read about you because all I got was 'account closed'.
However, if I manage to make someone smile and happy, then I'm happy, too!
Erm, is that, I mean, are you, Director James Nakamoto?? Stew Rice? McKinley High School???
Hawaii? That's cool!
It's OK, too, if you're the Vancouver Maths Teacher.
Hey, it's cool, whomsoever you are, James.
Marvellous really how one's blogs just get read by all and sundry and one never knows who one might be entertaining!
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