Monday, November 07, 2005

Real Life (Original)

Got caught out, didn't I??
Panicking, doing the headless chicken thing, zapped the original Real Life, thought 'no one' would be any the wiser. Wrong - some people rise early!
In my lost the plot mode I thought how bleeping useless I am, no use to man nor beast .... However, pulled it together and decided scatty doesn't equate to useless and times, they are a changing ... What I have to remember is that I've dealt with a WHOOOOOOOOOLE load of tish over the last few years, on my own and I'm still in the ring and fighting!
Sooooooooo ... reinstating Real Life!! :)

"I had a taste, over the weekend of life when one isn't working all the time and you know what? I really really enjoyed it!
Of course I had to make up for not working, by working this evening, catching up on captioning the pix I've taken the last few days but it's a small price to pay for the pleasure.
I think I'll need a huge syringeful of Botox to deal with the frown/squint lines I'm laying in store for myself though.
Ok, this weekend Ian (of Scotland jaunt)invited me to dinner joining his parents (Hugh and Jean), sister (June), bro in law (Bob), niece (Michelle), her boyfriend (John) and friend (Helen), to celebrate Michelle's 21st birthday.
We went to a restaurant in Grimsby, The Granary, which has just been awarded recognition in a Which guide, the only place to have one such in the Grimsby/Cleethorpes/Louth area, I gather and we indulged in some very fine fare, followed by birthday cake, cheeses, port and eisswine back at June and Bob's home.
Yesterday we had lunch, except for John and Helen at the Grimsby Golf Club and it was most convivial.
Also brings it home to me that I only have work engagements in my diary, not social ones, unless it's taking pictures at someone else's! i.e. balls. I mean balls, not swearing!
So anyway, this could be a big egg on face moment ... I think there's one out there who doesn't mind my snoring ... can even match it ... but even so I win in the talking in the sleep stakes! Minus four. I woke us both up saying that.No, it wasn't a score, just what I thought the temperature was.
I could go so far as to say I have a boyfriend ... except he's a man.
Oh, and it has to be Ian, of course, cos if I'd been off meeting anyone else's family then that'd be a bit of a to-do, wouldn't it?
Oh eek.I write this blog for me, though knowing it amuses a few peeps out there, but this is a sorta public announcement.
However, Ian has provided some very happy times for me of late and hopefully, I for him.
So blooming heck, now y'all know!I'm off to bed (about time too) before I wake up and find I'm dreaming!
ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - minus four. " :) x


Blogger ScaryCheri said...


Congrats Pyk! That's great news!

I caught someone talking in their sleep the other night, but I dare not speak of it in my own

He said "Hey kateland" and I punched him in the ribs and said "who the hell is Kateland" only to findout it was his bosses neice...hehe

Tue Nov 08, 01:55:00 am 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

I thought that was a Paul Simon song, Kateland, Tennessee ... :)

The minus 4 is going to make me chuckle for some time yet!

Tue Nov 08, 03:19:00 am 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going to bed. Sleep. Hmm... so Ian not around then?

Tue Nov 08, 03:02:00 pm 2005  
Blogger Pykspeeks Rides Again said...

Nah, he's currently in Scotland again -but back soon :)

Tue Nov 08, 06:46:00 pm 2005  

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